Wednesday, June 23, 2010

South Bound

What a great time in Yellowknife, 5 days was just too short however with the cold weather and rain it was time to move on. We had a good time celebrating their Raven Mad Days. There was a BBQ and dance that we checked out but was sold out. We thought just as well because the tickets were $25 each. Just for something to do we were showing the other guys around the old town when we came across the BBQ and dance so we stopped to check it out. To our surprise they let us in as long as we didn't want the BBQ. Great!!! Alex from the Ice road Truckers show was there so we introduced ourselfs to him and his wife Louise. What nice people. Then to our surprise we met a very friendly lady who could be a double to Darlene Byck. We also showed everyone the "Ragged Ass Road" that we have the sign for in our tent trailer. Brian and Rick got some "Sapsucker Birch Syrup" to savour.
We went over to Buffalo Air Express to meet "Kelly" but she wasn't there but we got to meet her niece who is also on the show. We all went out to "Bullocks Restaurant" and had an awesome fishkebab dinner. It was pricey but the ambience made it worthwhile. We celebrated Jerry's 72nd birthday with a black forest cake. While Brian & Joyce were out touring with their friends Rick and I took Dick & Jerry to the Prince of Wales Museum which is based on NWT history. It is definitely worth revisiting. We enjoyed it just as much as the first time five years ago.
Rick and I ran into Louise again at Tim Hortons and to our surprise she recognized us from the night before, what great people!
We missed the ferry at Fort Providence by about 30 seconds so got to wait for 20 minutes with the mosquitos for it to return.
Road down to Lady Evelyn Falls Territorial Park for the night. The falls were gorgeous but the mosquitos were not! We played cards in the shelter minus the mosquitos.
We left early in the morning and rode out to Enterprise NT for breakfast. Stopped at Louise and Lady Alexandra Falls which are the Twin Falls. They were spectacular. And we arrived at High Level AB at 2:15 and managed to get Internet at the Public Library.

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